This morning, we found one of our ewes in active labor. It was about two hours from finding her to witnessing the first birth. During labor, she pawed the ground. She would stand still for a while. Then she would move about. Then she would lie down. Then stretch her neck. Then lie still for a while. We watched her do this for an hour or so. Then we went to get Rebekah, who was on duty. As Rebekah came in, the ewe was lying in a regular position, chewing her cud. What? False labor? No, just taking a rest.
Ewe in labor |
Soon she was up and moving again. It was another hour of this before we noticed a tennis-ball sized blob coming out of her "lady parts." Once that hit the ground, she pushed again and something new began to show. Something with hooves and a wee little nose! Plop, out fell a football sized blob. They had warned us that the baby would be very still when it came out. I'm glad they told us, otherwise we would have thought it still-born. The mother turned right around and began licking the little sweetie and soon, a white lamb, with a creaky voice, took her place in the barnyard.
Momma cleans her baby |
In our excitement, we began setting up the "jug" temporary walls to keep the mother and babe together. As the jug walls were going up, we noticed the "afterbirth" coming out. But wait! It had little hooves and a little nose... TWINS!!! The momma was pushing out the second baby but continuing to clean and tend to the first! Once that second baby was out, she turned to care for it!
Second baby gets the welcome treatment |
After several hours (and a bit of worry on our part), the momma had cleaned and tended and bonded to her little ones. And everyone settled down for a nap!
Yes, I know this is a repeat, but isn't it a great photo??? |
Only 10 more births to go!
So happy Brian got back in time to witness this. Labor sounds about right for all mammals!