Farm School trainees

Farm School trainees
The Lucky Thirteen

Monday, October 25, 2010

Textures of a Monday

Gazebo in the morning fog
This morning started off cool and foggy.  We gather each morning at the Gazebo to share a poem and discuss the work for the day before we divide up and go.  In the foreground is our homestead garden.

Brian rewiring the voltage checker
This morning, we heard there was a problem with the electric fence so our group went to tackle the problem.  First off, we had to fix the broken voltage reader so we gathered in the shop.

Betsy, learning to strip a wire

Once we had our tool working, we jumped in the trucks and vans and drove up to Hazel's Fields to see our Red Devon cattle.  They were beautiful in the morning fog, too, but something was amiss with the fencing.  We discovered that the cows had knocked it down and moved into a new pasture.  Easy to do when the electricity isn't working!

Devons in the Mist

Olivier trouble-shooting the fence electrifier
We fiddled with the connections and, finding no success, returned to the farm for back-up equipment and returned to install it.  After making sure that the cows were secure (Thank you, Brian, for touching the wire for us...), we went to set up a new pasture and that was the end of the morning.  Learning to manage all the electrical equipment and solar chargers and batteries and the principles that link the parts made for a fact- and skill-filled morning.

Our afternoon was spent at Blue Ox farm.  Our primary purpose was to spread oxen manure around blueberry bushes and we added to that a lovely visit with the oxen providing the manure.

Walking down to the blueberry orchard
Carlen explaining our work.

Blueberry dressed in oxen manure

Thank you, Junior!

A beauty shot:  Ollie walking in the leaves!

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