This week, our piglets were ready to be moved to their new forest, complete with pig palace. Caitlin and I enticed the three piglets living in the barn with bowls of scrambled eggs, their favorite recovery food.
Caitlin enticing piglets with scrambled eggs |
Me, Lee, coaxing a pig to move to the Palace! |
Olivier, explaining the Palace supports |
Once the small piglets were set in the area, we herded the rest of the pigs through a fenced chute. For some reason, they all went per-pig-dicular and refused to go into their new digs. But once we broke up the "hog jam" they happily took over their new forest.
Pigs, parallel parking in the chute |
Sophia and Caitlin, passing pig |
Notice that the curl in the tail and the temple curl are beautifully similar! |
On Wednesday, June 1, the Farm School celebrated with the larger community of supporters in the Boston Area. The annual event, The Big Pig Gig, was held at Henrietta's Table in Cambridge. The food was delicious (hurray for Maggie's Kale and Choy dish), the music danceable and the wallets lovingly open.
The Three Sisters Rock sculpture |
Gift boxes |
Brian, smiling with his dad |
Name tags |
We welcomed our new Kosher King broiler chicks. For a short time, they will live in this little shed, warm and snug. Soon, they will be out "on pasture" to roam the fields eating their favorite plants and bugs.
Caitlin and the Kosher King |
In the brooder, warm and safe |
Making Hay--the work
On Friday, Olivier gave us the opportunity to evaluate the hay that had been mown and was drying Then we "tedded" the hay. A video is worth a thousand million words:
Olivier evaluates the hay |
Betsy, ready to ted |
The talk and the machine |
Other fun pics for the week:
Strange plants growing
in the greenhouse sand |
Out my window, June 1 |
Organic celery comes with free ladybug |
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