Today we moved our new broiler chicks into their "tractor." We know that chickens grow more naturally and healthfully when they get to scratch and peck the soil and eat grass and bugs. We also know that if we let our chickens run around outside, we will lose our birds to the hawks and ferrets and other hungry predators. So, how do we give them an outdoors life in relative safety? Put 'em in a tractor.
Here is a photo of the tractor:
Here is a photo of Emma and Kiyoshi pulling the tractor into the first pasturing place.
And here's a little video of our Kosher King broiler chicks in their new home.
We're beginning to bring in and store the hay in the barn. Whew, it is hot and dusty work that must be done before the next rainfall.
first few bales |
The tossers on the ground |
Olivier explaining stacking technique |
Olivier, admiring the stack |
Other pics...
Brian, off to scythe a sepia world |
tomato plants ready for their spot in the red plastic bed |
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