Brian measures the barn |
Our morning group took on the challenge of building a replacement sliding door for the lower barn. We measured the remaining door, sketched out a plan, collected tools and wood. We cut the frame pieces and Nora and Brian fashioned corner braces. Then we started adding diagnonal boards. While we worked on the barn door, Sophia and then Nora worked on spreading the gravel in the parking lot south of the farm house.
Sophia heads out in the JD |
Brian makes a quick cut |
Sophia sets a diagonal board |
Our beautiful 45 degree angle |
We all spent our afternoon with Carlen. First we reviewed our last assignment--assessing fields on Maggie's Farm as if we were considering purchasing them. Then we spent some time discussing the scale of a farm and how much one person could manage cultivating. We looked at how much of a particular vegetable could be produced per bed (how many plants per row, rows per bed, anticipated harvest in pounds and then, assuming $2 a pound, how much would each bed bring in gross receipts. It was a fun exercise and now I know why green beans can be pricey--you don't get that many beans per foot. Unless you a the Green Giant, then things come easily!
This evening our group returned to work on our Ford tractor with Warren. We had much more success tonight than last time and put our clutch back together and then reassembled the motor drive. Whew. Here are the photos, worth thousands of words.
Me--Lee--figuring out a bolt |
Brian, doing something? |
It's a dipstick not a lipstick, Caitlin |
Comparing old clutch to new clutch |
Emma pulling on pulley |
Engine comes back together! |
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