Blueberry Bouquet |
The blueberries are coming in strong down the road at Blue Ox Farm. This is the place where we fertilized with steer manure and learned how to prune in March. I loved the colors of this cluster of berries at a variety of stages--I had already picked the ripe ones!
New Potatoes |
The new potatoes are ripening up. Very delicious
The tomatoes needed our help so we set up trellises. The end of the row has a "t-post" for strength. There are wooden stakes every three plants. Then we spider-web wove the twine between the stakes.
Trellising on the hottest afternoon. |
Tyson talks trellis. |
Tiny green spider approves of the trellis |
Olivier in bandana |
Olivier models the tie-dye bandana while reaching for a blueberry scone.
Sheep, enjoying the shade |
My sheep shelter keeps getting knocked over . We tried Sophia's plan and it stayed up. The sheep, seeing us setting up the shelter, came over and skootched under the tarp, even before we had all four corners set up.
Sophia, setting up sheep shelter |
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